About Us

Zaagwa Holdings Limited is a private Company which was incorporated on 6th July 2020. The Company main business activities to provide entertainment, Sports, Media and Public Information, Agriculture and   Poultry business. The   company in its endeavor to meets its objects promote has already established  two sports club in Bukoba District.One  club is  Zagwa Boxing  Club and  which  has junior and Senior  boxers    and  Zagwa Sport Club.

In order  to expand  its activities the company  want to  establish Online  Content Service which will give it  opportunities  to have wide coverage  of its  products  in  entertainment  and also  to  provides  public   news and current affairs  contents.

Company History

Zaagwa Holdings Limited is a private Company which was incorporated on 6th July 2020 under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 212), which was superseded by the Companies Act, 2002. The Company formation was  brain child of the director Mr  Wallace Rugangila who see  the need to bring social and  economic change to  the community  and national at  large  through  entertainment, Sports, Media and Public Information, Agriculture and   Poultry business.

Vision And Mission


Our mission is to run social and economic effective which will change the better people life of the   community and   nation as a whole


Our Vision is to change for the better people life at community and national level.


The Company contact are location is at:  Wallace Joe Rugangila
Plot No.41 Block ‘A’. Rwazi area, Kahororo
P.O.Box 430 Bukoba, Kagera
+255 754 698 848 | +255 714 698 848
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