Zaagwa Management Team

Mr. Wallace Joe Rugangila
CEO & Director
Mr. Wallace Joe Rugangila is the overall in charge of the business. He is experiencedbusinessmanand hasworked indifference financeand audit firms for many years and gain experience and knowledge to run the company effective
Ms. Jesca Peter Mgele
She is the company director who assist the managing director is running the company. She coupled as company operating Manager whereby, she supervise and managed all business operations.
Ms. Lilian Rugangila
Business Manager
She is Business Manager who managed and supervise other company business of Agriculture, Media,and Poultry etc. which notrelated to sports.
Mrs. Pendo William Sichimata
Sales & Marketing Manager
She is sales and Marketing Manager is running the company who to ensure the company expand its market base to reach as many as customer as possible.
Mr. Kipalule Joseph Baitani
Finance & Administration Manager
MrKipaluleJoseph Baitani is Finance and Administration Manager who keep company records of accounts as well as to ensure company money are kept safe and used judiciously.
Mr. Siridion Kyaruzi
Sport Manager
is Sport Manager who look after and supervise Zagwa boxing and Football club which is own and managed by the company.
Mr. Robert Mwombeki
Procurement & Supplier Manager
manage the storeroom and ensure company goods are purchase at reason price and kept safety for future use


The Company contact are location is at:  Wallace Joe Rugangila
Plot No.41 Block ‘A’. Rwazi area, Kahororo
P.O.Box 430 Bukoba, Kagera
+255 754 698 848 | +255 714 698 848
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